Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 2 post

Good Evening.. Wait no Good Morning! Okay well I was thinking about doing a post about the zombie food pyramid, but I've decided not to... I have thought of something better. A zombie themed post!! Heck Yes!! Soooooooo LET THE FEASTING BEGIN!!

Zombies is quite an interesting subject. For years, the most on going debate in society is: "Will there be a zombie apocalypse?" On one hand, you have people who believe that the apocalypse wont ever happen. On the other, you have people that strongly believe the apocalypse will happen and they are preparing for it . So the BIG question is...


Well I personally think, that its better to be prepared then un-prepared. I mean seriously lets say the zombie apocalypse did happen and for years you've been BASHING the people who prepared for it. and NOW you need protection. Believe me, you ain't getting help from anyone. You would be an outcast. You would have to find a way to survive on your own. 

But yes so it's (in my opinion) better to be prepared then un-prepared, and if you decide not to prepare then its a good idea not to ridicule people who are preparing, Just incase it does happen. But back to surviving nights of hell on your own. What would you do? where would you go? 

Look at this, Do you want to end up looking like Jim Bob here? Having your stomach ripped open and eaten in front of you... that just doesn't seem all to great.

Here are some tips to help prevent you from being EATEN. For more tips help I highly recommend you reading; The Zombie Survival Guide.

10 Helpful Tips

1. Clear the Room: There's nothing worse than stepping into a room only to be set upon by a horde of brain-hungry zombies. A team of four armed shooters can easily clear a room if they all stand against the nearest wall: one body in each corner and two in the middle. This position proves optimal for quickly dispatching of a room full of the reanimated.

2. Never Turn Your Back on the Enemy: Shambling isn't just for zombies. Three live humans can stand with their backs together and carefully rotate through the room, ensuring that all eyes are facing outward and no one falls victim to a surprise attack.

3. The Fine Line: For those lucky enough to amass a relatively large army of live humans, the Fine Line is the best way to fend off roving zombie hordes. Simply form two lines of armed persons, one line in front of the other. Have the front line shoot while the back line holds. When the front line runs out of ammo, the back line steps in while the front line reloads. 

4. Zombies Are the Least of Your Worries: It's bad enough that you have to deal with the zombified masses, who are tireless, feel no pain, and greatly outnumber healthy human beings. But perhaps even more deadly are the humans who simply can't cope with the new world order. It's best if you keep a psychologist on hand who can identify and subdue such persons before they embark on a murderous rampage that makes the zombies look as ferocious as fluffy kittens.

5. Choose Your Weapons Wisely: Not all weapons work for all people, and the trendiest zombie-fighting armaments aren't always the best. When in doubt, melee weapons are a fine tool against the undead, but think twice before picking up that giant hammer. As satisfying as squishing zombie skull may be, swinging the hammer creates a sizable arc that gives zombies plenty of time to nibble at your armpits. I advise that you invest in a machete, which is cheap, lightweight, and neatly separates a zombie's head from its bodies. As for ranged weapons, you may want to reconsider that sawed-off shotgun you're so fond of. Bolt action rifles are both powerful and accurate, without the ammunition restrictions of the close-range shotgun.

6. Windows Are Not Your Friend: Zombies have a nasty habit of crashing through glass windows, so it's best to choose a hideout with as few ground level windows as possible. Steer clear of malls, coffee shops, and boutique outlets in favor of Costco, BJs, Sam's Club, or any other large warehouse. If you find yourself trapped in your house, it's best to hightail it up to the attic, which the uncoordinated zombies will have trouble reaching. Basements, even windowless ones, spell trouble.

7. No Brains for Oil: If you're traveling with a group, you may consider fleeing by minivan or SUV, but be warned that the gas mileage and rollover rates might be a literal killer. If you're traveling alone, it's best to take a high miles per gallon vehicle, like a dirt bike, or, better yet, grab a bicycle and escape the zombies under your own replenishable power.

8. Fight World War Z with TNT: Using dynamite around the undead is a tricky proposition; the right amount of explosives can blow them to bits, but you might get cremated yourself. It's better to stave off those desiccated corpse with a controlled burn. 

9. Animals: Friend or Foe? Animals can be invaluable allies at the end of the world, but the zombie infection could render them more hazard than help. If the zombie plague is viral, it can infect any living cells, causing even the most inhuman animals to exhibit flesh-craving symptoms. I mean seriously: Would you rather fight off a zombie human — or a zombie lion?

10. Suit Up: Perhaps the best way to prepare for the day the dead rise from their graves is to assemble the perfect zombie-fighting attire. Avoid brain spray-back by wearing goggles and covering your face with a non-porous material. Use plate mail or leather to create a bite-proof body suit. Kevlar gloves (provided to some food industry workers) can be worn as is or refashioned into impenetrable sleeves, allowing you to fend off zombie bites by holding up your forearms. Riot shields also add an extra layer of protection and make the zombie head squishing that much easier.

I hope those tips are helpful.

How do I make my car zombie proof? 


OKAY COOLEST GUY EVER!!!!! Marcus from Dylan Dog. HAHA

Check it

Isn't it good to know that former President Bush was a believer?


TIRED YET OF ZOMBIES?? Okay fine I get it. Well I will stop on the zombies, but before I stop, I have to confess to something. I am a Slayer of the Undead. I've got mad SKILLS!! You don't believe me?? You want proof? fine.


Speaking of zombies reminds me of an AMAZING book. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!! Thats right... I said it, Zombies. Its full of blood and gore, romance, men running each other over with wagons. 

Most memorable quote from the book

“This is a most unfortunate affair, and will probably be much talked of. But we must stem the tide
of idle chatter, and pour into our wounded bosoms the soothing balm of vengeance.” 

Happy St. Patricks Day

I hope your day goes splendid

I am Irish, and every St Patricks Day, we always have a Irish dinner. We make every possible Irish dish you can think of. Our menu this year is; Corned beef and cabbage, Fisherman's Pie, Irish Soda Bread, Bangers and Mash, and Bread pudding. MMMMMMM. Now that is an amazing meal!!


Okay bedtime for me, is now fast approaching. I can't think straight. I should have been in bed 3 hours ago, but I just had to write a post. Okay before I go I will end with a song. Its a zombie song, from that amazing band: The Devil Wears Prada. 

Ladies and Gentleman I give you... ESCAPE


There's no time. If your decisions include regret, then it's already too late. There's no time.
Oh my God, they're everywhere, God.
As clumsy as these beasts may be, their mass numbers make up for slow speeds.
Now is when you exert all of your energy.
Don't bother screaming, don't bother crying, ignore all hope of mercy. x2
There's no time. If your decisions include regret, then it's already too late.
There's no time for even the slightest bit of remorse.
Try to contain every ounce of sorrow, our hearts have no room for this.
I am made of anger. x2
There's a proportion to be met between escape and defense.
Now is when you exert all of your energy.
Don't bother screaming, don't bother crying, ignore all hope of mercy. x2
There's no time. If your decisions include regret, then it's already too late.

I Know I know, your not a metal head. But still you have to admit, it's one SICK song and these guys kick it!!

Well Goodnight, I hope this post wasn't boring. I will try harder to do something more interesting and enjoyable. Oh here like I promised (Yeah didn't promise, I just like saying that) my 3D model I worked on today. Thats Right its DOMO. He is not finished. I messed up x(

1 comment:

  1. What about Fat Kid Zombies!? The horror!

    There's certain things about zombies that always bug me... I mean, if they are dead, why are they hungry? If their bodies are dead, then they don't process food through their digestive systems like living things, which means once they fill their stomachs, there's no more room for anything, and they wouldn't be hungry again... why would they hunger for flesh anyway? Why not anything edible? And why is it said that they hunger for brains, but they are also shown tearing people apart and eating their internal organs? Which is it: brains, or flesh? And what is it about cutting off or damaging their heads that stops them? They have to have some sort of blood flow through their brains for that to be the case, right? How do they process information if their brains are not functioning? And if they are functioning, would they be considered alive and not dead? If their eyes are gone, can they still see or not? What exactly is it that animates them? Magic?

    Ah, stuff to think about. Like fat kid zombies...
