Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Yo and Hi all.

Well today I am bored out of my mind. Im waiting to go to our set, for the first day of shooting our short. So yeah, its gonna be fun. Right now, to take away my bored-ness, I am working on animating a ship cannon. This is what I have so far, check it.

Yeah its not a lot right now, but that took like a lot of work, believe it or not :) Animating can boring and its very tedious work. Here check out my screenies of what it looks like when your animating.

Each one of those blue dots are key frames. Since this little piece of video is 3 seconds long, I have 90 frames! 90 frames isnt bad at all compared 300,000. So Anyhoo, I have to go step by step with every keyframe and position, rotate and scale whatever object I am working on. Sucks? No not really. Once you get the hang of it, it can be fun.


So how was your monday? Mine was really good!! Me, Katie and Coops made sushi all day long. Oh yeah! Sushi is the best. We made Dragon Rolls, Philadelphia rolls and California rolls. 

MMMMMMMM Yummy! Thats a California roll. Man, we decided to the dragon roll, but for this roll we had to get eel. So we went to the asian market and we found some. I thought the eel was precut and cleaned. So we bought. I was wrong, you had to do that part on your own... *Sigh*

So after an hour of youtube videos we finally figured out how to clean an eel So we were happy.  


Doing sushi really brings me back to my Japanese roots. What? How can an Irish guy be Japanese? Well because my cousin is!! Duh!! Huh? Yes I can feel my Samurai ancestors blood flowing through my veins. 

Ashely's (my Japanese cousin) Uncle Shimi, is into Japanese square fighting. Its like America's octagon fighting, but its in a square and there are no rules. 

Here is Uncle Shimi smashing a pile of sticks on the Sake King's head. I know he's a dude and a hunk! Oh I mean chunk.

Uncle Shimi's great great grandfather was a Samurai. Which is totally cool, but I want to know something. What is it with the Samurai vs. Ninjas thing?? I don't get it. It feels Like the whole Twilight  Edward vs. Jacob battle. Seriously?? 

So if you had to pick... Who's side will you be on?



Interesting Fact. Samurai never would stab someone in the back. Ninjas, on the other hand, would anytime they would have the opportunity to do so! The samurai would always fight with honor. They were known as the Gentleman of the Battlefield. Okay I made that up... but still. 

If the whole honor thing doesn't have you siding with the Samurai, than check this out. The (NCRH) Ninja Civilian Recruiting House, just released a video of their new students. 

I told you so! No honor what-so-ever, these are the ninjas they send to the battlefield as the decoy. So when the samurai's focus is on slaughtering the noob ninjas, the actual ninjas can slip undetected behind the samurai lines and stab them in their backs. Isn't that like a double un-honorable thing? Geez.


Well I have to go get props ready. If any of you are wondering, I side with the ninjas... Just kidding I am samurai all the way! Till the bloody end! 

1 comment:

  1. That sushi looks yummay.

    Those Japanese death match fighters are insane...

    I think I side with the ninjas... if I don't, one may get me while I sleep!
